Girl Power Birthday Gift Ideas
I am the mother to two daughters, have one sister and am surrounded by strong, incredible women that inspire me daily. One of my biggest...

3 Experience Gifts for Valentine's Day
Discover a new way to celebrate V-Day this year - experiences! Check out our favorite three experience gift ideas.

3 New Ideas for Corporate Gifts
Tired of ordering the same try of cookies for your clients at Christmas? Let ShopGirl help decode the mystery of corporate holiday giving!

Geaux Fight Win! Top Tailgating Gift Ideas
Heading to a tailgate this fall? Check out the trendiest tailgating gift ideas you can apply for any size tailgate.

5 Useful but Totally Cool Wedding Gifts
Wedding season is in full swing and we often find ourselves panicking when it’s time to find the perfect gift for the happy couple. If...

3 Easy Ways to Save for Christmas Gifts
We’ve all been there. December is halfway here, and we look forward to all the parties, all the gifts, all the stuff that often mean more...